
随着新的红雀队在秋季学期涌入校园,卢 红衣主教的社区 aim to engage in meaningful relationships that empower first-time college goers to thrive at 十大电子游艺网站排行 and beyond.

根据副主任 星服务 艾琳他泊, 红衣主教社区, 或CC, is a group of new students who take one or more courses together during the fall semester. 每个小组每周参加一次一小时的研讨会,由同行和专业导师领导. CC学生在上课的过程中培养了一种社区意识, study and participate in various activities and events with their mentor and fellow students, 他泊说.

访问 拉马尔.edu/cardinalcommunities

通过红衣主教社区, 学生们能够与同龄人建立联系, 专业人员/教师, campus resources and academic departments — and learn about all the opportunities 十大电子游艺网站排行 has to offer, while being supported by a peer and professional mentor during their transition to college and becoming a part of the LU community,她补充道。.

同侪导师卡兰·邦内特(Kalan Bonnette)说,他认为这个项目对新生来说非常棒, incoming students and wishes he had known about 红衣主教的社区 when he was an incoming freshman.

“Watching a student becoming more sure of themselves and blossom into a much more calm and happy person never grows old,邦内特说. “It’s amazing how much stress you can take from someone by just telling them what you already know and then they are free to be more themselves and have a much better time at college.”

为了进入红衣主教社区, 他泊说, 学生选择他们的CC并通过他们的顾问注册. 一旦注册, 这次会面会像上课一样出现在他们的日程表上, 虽然它不承担信用. CC groups meet weekly for the first eight weeks of the fall semester when support is most needed in the transition to college. 在每周CC会议之外, mentors communicate often with their group and check-in individually with students to continue building that rapport and connection.

作为同侪导师, Bonnette works with a professional mentor to create a program each week to reach the students.红衣主教的社区

“One of the unique things about the program is that we can tailor it every week to that particular group of students because the group sizes are so small,他说. “一旦会话被托管, it’s my job to make sure things go according to plan to see what changes we should make to the next session so that everyone has a better experience.”

He also has one-on-one sessions with every mentee and is available to answer questions whenever students need.

给奥布里·赛尔夫, 做一个同伴导师就像做一个乐于助人的朋友, 她说, adding that she is responsible for meeting face-to-face with the students assigned to her Cardinal 社区 for their designated meet-up time, when she engages the students in various activities and discussions she thinks will benefit them through their major and through college in general.

Bonnette said he was inspired to become a peer mentor after experiencing his own college transition.

“我的大学过渡并不是最顺利的, 当时我还不知道红衣主教社区计划, 我只是想让新生们过得比我轻松,他说. “大学已经够难的了, there’s no need for every student to learn on their own what can be simply told from experience.”

成功对每个人来说都是不同的——从协调者到导师和被指导者. 对Bonnette来说,成功就是让学生成为一个成功的人.

“我的目标是让学生为大学生活做好准备——管理时间, 养成学习习惯, 学会处理经济援助和教授之间的细微差别, 等. There are ways to make the system easier on yourself and I just want them to know,他说. “But more than just being effective students, I want them to have the best time they can at college. 很有趣! 但如果你总是担心某件事,那就不好玩了, 尤其是那些我可以快速交谈甚至发短信就能回答的问题. 我只是希望学生们能有最美妙的大学经历.”

为他泊, 成功是一种真诚的联系和开放的交流,它能培养一种安全的关系, 包容的环境和关系, allowing students to explore and experience with confidence and the knowledge that someone is there for them.

她说:“每个学生都是独一无二的,所以他们的辅导经历也将是独一无二的。. “我们希望以学生想要和需要的方式为他们服务. For some, that might be learning more about the major they’ve chosen and connecting them to faculty. 为他人, that might be supporting them and connecting them with resources as they live away from home for the first time. 但对其他人来说, it may just be providing them the opportunity to meet the people who will become life-long friends or colleagues.”


“My goal when working with a student is to see what they are trying to achieve for the semester and assist them in reaching their personal goal,赛尔夫说. “我认为成功就是进步. 我确保学生们明白,达到目标需要时间,进步是关键.”

Self recalled a particular interaction with a mentee that stands out to her — a student that was struggling with feeling they were not smart enough for their major.

根据同伴导师的说法, the student came from a small high school and graduated salutatorian; however, 当他们来到十大电子游艺网站排行时, this student struggled with the assignments and felt like everyone else in the classroom was smarter than them, 自己说.

“I could tell that they were really beat up by this because they were accustomed to being the smartest one in the room and now, 他们的课程不及格,他们从来没有遇到过这种情况,她解释道. “I assured them that college is a totally different ballgame and that classes are way different compared to high school; it is normal to struggle with the transition. 我建议他们去辅导中心. 他们对此感到担忧,因为他们觉得自己不需要它. 最后,他们安排了一个疗程,这对他们有很大的帮助! Now, that student has a higher GPA than me and has joined the mentoring program through their major.”


“当我承认我不是什么都知道的时候, 我在课堂上很努力, 太, 或者分享我的个人经历, they see that and it can make a bigger difference in their life without me even realizing it,”她说。, 强调了一个例子,Self分享了她与心理健康作斗争的经历. “I had a student come to me weeks later saying that I inspired them to speak up about their depression and get help. 我不知道我的同龄人会像他们一样把我当作榜样.”

Self noted, “The opportunity to peer mentor has opened my eyes in many life-changing ways. 我给任何想建立人际关系的人的建议, 更多地了解自己,鼓励别人展现自己最好的一面, 加入同伴导师计划! If I had not taken this position, I can guarantee I would not be as sure of myself as I am right now.”

多于1,在2021年秋季,CC计划为5,000名学生提供服务, 塔博尔说,这个成功的项目今年也在按计划进行.

“This (Cardinal 社区) is becoming part of the culture of being a Cardinal and a common experience among all students, which only adds to the connection and sense of belonging students will gain in participating in this program,她补充道。.

Bonnette说,在他作为同伴导师的经历中, he has learned that every student is wildly different and students need someone to relate to during this difficult transition, 这就是红衣主教社区的用武之地.

“学生需要与你产生共鸣,你也需要与他们产生共鸣,”他补充道. “If you can get on their level and let them know that while you know they are very capable and sometimes everyone needs a little help, 我发现这个程序很有效. 毕竟,尊重是双向的.”

更多信息,请访问 拉马尔.edu/cardinalcommunities.