LU校友Fisher在著名的美国大学毕业后的19道菜生活.N. 实习

Sakurah费舍尔 '19 shares her story about life after graduation from 十大电子游艺网站排行 and the Korea University Graduate School of International Studies, 她在联合国开发计划署实习的经历,以及她在国际上光明未来的计划.

A: 我出生在日本东京,在德克萨斯州的亚瑟港长大,度过了大半生. My experience growing up in a multicultural household has had a significant influence on my career interests in the international field and the East Asia region in particular.

I attended 十大电子游艺网站排行 as a Smith-Hutson Scholar and Reaud Honors College student following my graduation from Memorial High School in 2015. 在我上大学的时候, I conducted undergraduate research as a 2017 McNair Scholar and 2018 David Beck Fellow and engaged in various leadership positions, 包括十大电子游艺网站排行学生大使, 全球学生大使, 阿尔法-德尔塔-派姐妹会执行副会长及美国扶轮青年服务团社长, 等.

感谢我在担任扶轮青年服务团团员期间所得到的来自于博蒙特扶轮社扶轮大学校友的支持, I was selected as a 2020 Rotary Global Grant Scholar to pursue my master’s degree abroad in the area of peace and conflict resolution/prevention. This prestigious scholarship led me to commence my graduate studies at Korea University Graduate School of International Studies in Seoul, 韩国.

自我毕业后,在2022年2月,我接受了来自 联合国开发计划署 在纽约常驻,加入非洲发展问题东京国际会议股总部小组.

Sakurah费舍尔问:你的专业是什么? 你什么时候毕业的??
A: 我是十大电子游艺网站排行2019年以优异成绩毕业的学生,获得文学学士学位 心理学 未成年人 生物学 和人文. 我收到了一个M.A. in international studies (peace and security) from Korea University Graduate School of International Studies in February 2022.

A: 我对国际人道主义有广泛的兴趣, development and peace were cultivated through supporting and volunteering in overseas service initiatives with the Rotary Club of Beaumont while in LU Rotaract. These four years of service with LU Rotaract catalyzed my desire to transition towards a career in the field of international affairs while interconnecting my background in psychology with the discipline. 在被扶轮社员(也是LU校友)推荐申请RGGS计划后, I became increasingly drawn to pursue my overseas studies in peace and conflict resolution/prevention — one of the six priority focuses of Rotary International. 选择韩国作为我的祖国, due to its unique geopolitical position and relations between China and 日本 and North Korea in the context of peace and stability in East Asia, I pursued my master’s degree in international peace and security as a Rotary Global Grant Scholar to Seoul in February 2020.

你能告诉我毕业后的生活吗? 关于你到目前职位的经历?
A: 从毕业到开始我的硕士课程, I worked in the Early Onset Psychosis division of Spindletop Center as a Supported Education and Employment Specialist and a Disaster Crisis Counselor. This rewarding professional experience allowed me to support at-risk youths and young adults experiencing early symptoms of psychosis during their treatment and resilience building, 例如通过实现创收活动, 教育机会和技能培训, 同时参与社区外展和宣传. 通过我在国外两年的学习, I participated in various extra-curricular activities that complemented my learning of global affairs in the context of East Asia. 这包括作为韩国外交部初级研究员进行难民政策研究, 在朝鲜人权非政府组织实习, 作为东京早稻田大学亚太研究研究生院的学期交换生,我正在写论文, 日本, 辅导脱北儿童. The practical experiences and skills set that I cultivated within culturally diverse and multinational settings have served as competitive attributes during post-graduation job hunting, 这使得我在六月初开始在联合国开发计划署总部实习.

A: I am currently an HQ intern for the Tokyo International Conference on 非洲n Development (TICAD) Unit of the Regional Bureau of 非洲 (RBA) at UNDP in New York.

A: What immediately sparked my attention to the position was the significant role that the TICAD Unit plays in facilitating partnerships with 日本ese public and private entities for the effective implementation of 17 日本-funded development projects in 非洲 this cycle year. 开发计划署是日本政府的重要合作伙伴,也是第八届年度TICAD的共同组织者之一.该会议将于今年8月在突尼斯共和国举行, 非洲, I was ecstatic to apply my background in 日本ese and transferable knowledge/skills as a recent graduate to assist in the operational processes of preparing for the dynamic multi-stakeholder conference and supporting the development of homegrown sustainable solutions and peace and security on the 非洲n continent at the IGO level.

A: 我有多项职责,支持总部团队顺利实施, 监控, 审查13个以上非洲国家的方案和开发计划署-日本资助项目的进程. 每周的任务通常包括起草内部文件.g. 三角裤, 会议纪要, 简报)在开发计划署内部或日本利益攸关方分发, 收集/审核/编辑项目信息和传播资料, 并为项目监控/审查过程提供后勤协助, 等. My current priority tasks ahead of the international conference TICAD8 in August are to assist with the development of a comprehensive project impact publication and the creation of a new TICAD webpage. 虽然有时势不可挡, 能与才华横溢的国际人才一起工作,并在我的团队中培养良好的关系,这是令人兴奋的.

A: 到目前为止, 我这个职位最有趣的地方是在东京一个充满活力的全球团队中工作, 纽约(总部)和突尼斯. 尽管我们的工作地理位置遥远, I have the privilege of closely contributing to dynamic communication projects and collaborative tasks during our weekly meetings while learning from United Nations experts on project management, 金融, 沟通和伙伴关系. I am eager to continue to expand my professional network in the UN while honing new technical skills that will be advantageous in my future profession.

A: I believe that my involvement in various leadership positions and rigorous research activities while at 十大电子游艺网站排行 created a strong foundation for my interpersonal communication technical writing and organizational skills to develop and flourish beyond graduation. The fruitful opportunities and immense network that LU provides has had an astronomical impact on the trajectory of my life up to this point. 我永远感激老师们, 扶轮社职员及捐款人及扶轮前受奖人, 是谁的慷慨让像我这样的第一代有色人种女性达到了意想不到的高度.

A: 一旦我的实习在年底结束, I would like to gain more international field experience related to youth/refugee development and empowerment within a developing country/region context. 无论是通过联合国系统还是其他政府间和国际机构, 我的近期目标是寻求项目或项目管理方面的职业机会, 并加强我的技能和能力,以便为可持续解决方案的发展做出贡献, 世界上最脆弱地区的复原力与和平. 虽然我还处于职业生涯的早期阶段, I aspire to one day contribute back to 十大电子游艺网站排行 and for underrepresented students to have the opportunity to unlock their potential.